Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Models Inc.

 I have been very busy expanding my portfolio and working towards a full blown website, getting stuck into any work and events going! I also recently switched my editing suite from Photoshop to Lightroom, and I am very pleased with the results. For me, Lightroom is faster and easier to use, and I personally prefer the effects and styles you can produce. However, after 6 months of Photoshop I am right back to the beginning of the learning curve with choosing a new editing platform! I imagine progress will be faster with Lightroom, and I am still on track with my target time of being up and running as a professional within a year, which will be in January. 

The two models I have featured today could not be more different! The first shoot I 'focus' on today is Jenny. I was delighted to be invited along by my friend Natasha of Natasha I Gillet Photography http://www.natashaigillett.com/  to assist her at both a wedding (to be featured soon) and a styled shoot last month. It was fanastic to be able to go out with a successful photographer who I greatly  admire, and I am now concentrating on being an assistant for a while to gain experience. Sadly, Natasha is based in San Francisco so it's not entirely practical to work with her regularly! Whilst on the styled shoot with Jenny, I was able to take a few of my own shots as well. 
Our original plan had been to do an outdoor shoot with Jenny, but the weather was truly foul, with torrential rain and very strong wind. We decided to visit the glasshouses in the Botanic Gardens instead, not the most practical place to get a model changed and made up but lots of fun! 

The second model is a newborn baby called Bea. She was just about brand new when I took these shots, just two weeks old! Needless to say, the shoot took a good few hours in between feeding, vomiting, feeding, crying, endless cups of tea, more vomiting and yet more crying. And that was just the grown ups!
I particularly like the shot of Bea's feet with her parent's wedding rings, it really shows how teeny tiny she is!

The family live in a gorgeous situation, perched high above the sea in Kinghorn, Fife. 

Although Baby Bea looks angelic and calm, for most of the afternoon she was more like the picture above with the family dog! I love that we had her in the 'it was the dog' T shirt just at the time little Ziggy chose to visit his baby sister- I think this is a hilarious snapshot! I will go back and visit Bea soon once she has settled into a routine and we will have some sleepytime and wide awake times to work with.