Dearest readers, my sincerest apologies for not updating for a few weeks. Life has been incredibly busy with the last 10 weeks including major surgery, selling our home, our house purchase almost falling through, another trip to hospital, a 4 week stint in a caravan, 6 weeks with no internet, moving house (finally) and a new dog to name but a few things! Quite the busy time indeed. Our new home is a little cottage in the Fife countryside surrounded by farms. There are cattle and horses everywhere, and our our new farmer neighbours have been wonderfully helpful and welcoming. Already we have experienced more sense of community in the two weeks we have spent here than the 7 years we spent in our beloved basement flat in central Edinburgh. It is incredibly peaceful, ideal for personal reflection and relaxation, a much better place for me to recuperate. The pace of life is slower, though not quite as slow as the south of Spain I might add, and I don't see myself ever moving back to the city.
These pictures are selected from a series I was commissioned to shoot for the walls of a wine bar in Edinburgh. The brief was for black and white shots of Edinburgh. As always, I tried to approach my subjects from a slightly different angle, hopeful to have produced images with a little pizzazz, and a little less yawn. Hopefully the many visitors and tourists this particular bar in the Old Town receives will want to take a print or two of mine home with them as souvenirs!
You may be marveling at how straight the park keepers of Princes St Gardens keep the benches. Well they don't! Lining up the benches you see in this particular shot took yours truly no less than 30 minutes of VERY hard work lugging and hauling these heavier-than-they-look bottom perches. At the other end of the benches you can see another photographer if you look closely. Upon passing by he noted his gratitude as he had been thinking of doing exactly the same thing! Pity he didn't think to help and start from his end though....
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